Hamid Mubarez

Name: Hamid Mubarez

Country: Pakistan

Grade: 12th

Passion: Weight Lifting

When did you start weightlifting? 

I started weightlifting at 14 and quit quite often because I didn’t have a plan and wasn’t seeing results. I started back again in November 2022 and started following a plan which led to results. Once I realized that successful weightlifting was all about planning, time management, and organization I became successful. I even follow a training program I found online which has also helped improve my techniques.  

What is your gym routine and how often do you work out? 

I usually work out about six times a week and train for 90 minutes per session. 

How do you manage your academics while prioritizing time for the gym?  

It is all about balance. I take my classes full time online with Hudson Global Scholars and plan my schedule around that. My schedule also allows me to have a well-balanced life.  

What is your favorite workout? 

My favorite workout/body part to work on are my biceps. I would say dumbbell curls are my absolute favorite.  

What was your motivation to begin working out?  

My motivation was that I was very skinny and wanted to gain more muscle. It was also a great way for me to be active, healthy and move my body more.  

Can you share some of your stats and max? 

Chest - Bench press – 60 KG  

Back - Lat pull down - 80 KG 

Leg - Leg press – 225 KG 

Any supplements? 

Yes! I use pre-work out to get energy before the gym and protein powder supplement after the gym.  


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