What is Foot Orienteering?
Author: Iryna
My name is Iryna, and I'm a Ukrainian student in the International Dual Diploma program. I am also a Hudson Global Scholars Student Ambassador, leading clubs and activities for our community. I love learning new things, so I participate a lot in our online community. I spend my free time doing very unusual sports that you have probably never heard of, so it's time for you to learn something new!
What is Foot Orienteering?
Foot Orienteering is a sport in which an athlete uses a map of the terrain (which can be a forest or city) to navigate a course consisting of control points. More experienced athletes also use a compass. The winner is determined by the fastest finish of the course and visiting all the necessary control points.
How difficult is Foot Orienteering?
Orienteering is about balancing mental and physical activity! It is not just about running fast but also about thinking, reading a map, and making decisions. You can't just run somewhere and hope to find control points. Understanding where you are on the map and the terrain is essential to get to your goal.
What are the distances in Foot Orienteering?
There are three main types:
• Long: Can reach up to 15 km and takes place in the forest.
• Middle: Usually 4-5 km and also in the forest.
• Sprint: A distance in the city up to 4 km.
Why do I like participating in Foot Orienteering?
The most exciting thing about foot orienteering is that each course is unique. On the same map, hundreds of courses can be designed, and all of them will be special. I also really enjoy the process of thinking and choosing options for approaching each control point. For me, the course is like a puzzle—if you solve it, you win.
On this website (https://omaps.worldofo.com/), you can see orienteering maps from all over the world. You might even find your country or city there.
Go and explore!